Agreement of Co-Owners to Sell Jointly Owned Property

Why use this legal form?

  • With multiple owners, it’s important to ensure that all co-owners have legally committed in writing to sell the jointly owned property, before you attempt to actually sell it. This prevents problems later when you actually list the property and close on a sale.

  • A contract between the co-owners is an excellent way to avoid litigation over jointly owned property. When you reach a point where the co-owners have informally agreed to sell the property on the open market, you should lock down that agreement in writing as soon as possible. Whether you’re an attorney or a co-owner, this automated document will save you time and money by making it easy to confirm each co-owner’s agreement to sell in writing.

  • When co-owners agree to sell, it’s important to confirm certain details to avoid disputes at closing. Is there a minimum sale price? How will the money be divided? How soon will it be listed? These issues are covered by our Agreement of Co-Owners to Sell Jointly Owned Property.

What can this Contract do for you?

This contract will confirm that the co-owners of jointly owned real estate have agreed to voluntary sell the property on the open market or to a third-party. This is NOT a purchase contract with a third-party. Rather, this is a contract among the co-owners to voluntarily sell the property. When co-owners have agreed to sell, it is wise to lock down that agreement by contract, even before a buyer is found. This discourages any of the owners from attempting to back out later. A written agreement also confirms critical details such as a minimum purchase price, timing, and most importantly, how the money will be divided among the co-owners.

How does it work?

  • Use our automated document builder to easily create your contract. This is a thoughtful, user-friendly workflow that will walk you through the contract content and choices.

  • Download your contract in Word, review carefully, and edit as necessary or desired to fit your specific situation.

  • Ensure that the contract is properly executed by all parties, and then proceed in accordance with the contract terms.

See for Yourself

You can test out the intelligent workflow used to generate this contract for free. The workflow consists of helpful explanations and guided questions. Walking through these explanations and questions will give you a better understanding of the product, illustrating the level of detail and professionalism. At the end of the workflow, if you want to purchase the contract, you can make a one-time payment of $119 and download it immediately. Click below to try it out with no obligation and no hidden charges.

Cost Comparison

We’ve systemized our Agreement of Co-Owners to Sell Jointly Owned Property to create a superior document at a fraction of the cost of traditional legal services. This document is not the same as hiring a lawyer. But if you are a consumer OR a lawyer in need of a high-quality contract, this product is the way to go. We charge $119 for a contract that would cost at least $500 to $1,000 as a traditional service.

Compares the cost of a common legal fee for a contract to the cost of our automated voluntary sale agreement.

For Use by Attorneys OR by Non-Attorneys

This user-friendly workflow was built to be used by either an attorney OR by a non-attorney. As a non-attorney, you could start off by generating this contract yourself, and then hire an attorney later if necessary. As an attorney, you could use this contract to avoid much of the costly research and drafting necessary to produce a high-quality work product for your client. By making the knowledge, systems, and tools available to both attorneys and non-attorneys, we improve efficiency and results for all parties involved.

Product Description

This agreement will confirm that all co-owners are willing to sell the jointly owned property to a third party on the open market. By signing a contract among co-owners, you can “lock down” the commitment to sell jointly owned property. The contract will also confirm critical issues such as minimum sale price, timing of the listing, and division of proceeds among the owners.

  • This is a Word download, so you can customize the contract to your situation as necessary.

  • This is a legal Product, not a legal Service. See our Terms & Conditions on the difference between a legal Product and a legal Service.

Available for All US States

The document is available in all US States, including: Alabama, Alaska, American Samoa, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, District of Columbia, Florida, Georgia, Guam, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Minor Outlying Islands, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Northern Mariana Islands, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Puerto Rico, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, U.S. Virgin Islands, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, West Virginia, Wisconsin, and Wyoming.

An Automated Document is Not an Attorney

Although this contract is based on an intelligent workflow created by a property lawyer, keep in mind that you are NOT purchasing legal services. This legal template is not the same as hiring an attorney, and in some cases, you should hire an attorney. That is 100% your decision. If you plan to use this contract without an attorney, you should understand the basic concepts of forced sale and partition, which you can learn here. You should also be comfortable editing Word documents and tailoring the document to your specific situation.

Start Now: Agreement of Co-Owners to Sell Jointly Owned Property

You can test out the intelligent workflow used to generate this contract for free. The workflow consists of helpful explanations and guided questions. Walking through these explanations and questions will give you a better understanding of the product, illustrating the level of detail and professionalism. At the end of the workflow, if you want to purchase the contract, you can make a one-time payment of $119 and download it immediately. Click below to try it out with no obligation and no hidden charges.